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We are currently facing a human-initiated species invasion of potentially devastating proportions. This invasion is from two relatively recently introduced non-native species: the bighead carp and silver or "flying" carp. On the Impact of Flying Carp is a project initiated to raise awareness about this complex and evolving problem and to stimulate discussion about potential solutions.

Because these fish are highly efficient filter feeders they were introduced to aquiculture ponds in Arkansas in the early 1970's as biological filters to keep the ponds clean. They escaped these ponds during floods in the 1980's and by the 1990's had spread throughout the Mississippi River system. They now dominate large portions of the Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois Rivers and their tributaries. There are fears that they will spread through man-made canals from the Mississippi River system into the Great Lakes. Recent reports show signs that they have already started to do just that. If they successfully invade and begin breeding in the Great Lakes, most scientists agree they will bring ecological devastation to the region.

On the Impact of Flying Carp began as a multi-media presentation given by BD Collier in the spring of 2010 in Chicago, IL. Collier has expanded the project into a physical exhibition that can be installed in venues throughout the affected region.